Untitled - by purplemartin
- by purplemartin - 7/8/2007 - 11:07:06 am
v1- by purplemartin - 7/8/2007 11:07:06 am
purplemartin7/8/2007 11:07:36 am
scribbly starry night-similar to van gogh, but not.
Captain O7/8/2007 12:27:34 pm
great scribble-doesn't look like Starry Night per se, but definitely Impressionist and definitely Van Goghish
Al7/8/2007 2:44:10 pm
Me like.
purplemartin7/8/2007 3:08:01 pm
thanks! where you been Al? night fishing again?
Captain O7/8/2007 4:47:12 pm
sorry-didn't realize there was another, lesser known Starry Night
Al7/8/2007 5:22:52 pm
Just fishing every other night. My parents are in town. Yipee!
Gerold Blankface7/8/2007 9:47:40 pm
wow.. cool result!