- by Al - 6/17/2007 - 12:09:03 pm v1- by Al - 6/17/2007 12:09:03 pm
Al6/17/2007 12:09:27 pm
Sunset from Yahoo Photos. I f'd up the palm tree.
fatrub6/17/2007 1:40:57 pm
nice! it doubles as a lake superior scene with pine
Unicornonthecob6/17/2007 1:58:48 pm
Yeah on the last pic I drew I was going to do some fades with the colors but I had no time.I do like this draw though.
Unicornonthecob6/17/2007 2:01:30 pm
As well Happy Father's Day to all the father's in the 10E house!!!!!!
Al6/17/2007 2:49:14 pm
Thank you. I went to a carnival with my son today. Saw a few mutants.