Untitled - by Al
- by Al - 6/16/2007 - 12:52:49 pm
v1- by Al - 6/16/2007 12:52:49 pm
Al6/16/2007 12:53:39 pm
I spent 2 hours today at Meijers. Not good.
VanLodz6/16/2007 3:52:22 pm
judging from the purple pants I would say you were at walmart... not meijer.
Al6/16/2007 3:58:03 pm
Well, they have been announcing a giant sale called 'Super Saturday' and all the zombies showed up wearing Nascar shirts. Next time I will go to Kroger.
VanLodz6/16/2007 5:50:32 pm
well, if you must.
purplemartin6/16/2007 6:34:43 pm
what? this looks like a good time...
purplemartin6/16/2007 6:35:17 pm
I would say the lady with purple pants was a hind shot of me, but I have no hair.
Al6/16/2007 8:11:54 pm
Am I mean to say that today I witnessed a thousand mutants? I just don't know what happened. I woke up and bamm.. Im in a horror flick. haha.
VanLodz6/16/2007 9:43:02 pm
I can not support this talk haha, those mutants are my paycheck. blah! now I feel bad for saying that... I have way too much job/customer loyalty.
Al6/16/2007 11:18:44 pm
Oh yeah.. .haha. You... nevermind.