- by tthunderdan - 5/29/2007 - 3:52:15 pm 
v1- by tthunderdan - 5/29/2007 3:52:15 pm
tthunderdan5/29/2007 3:53:38 pm
...the boys' new toy, he is paying for it, alot of buttons and knobs to vibrate my house....
Tu Pap?5/29/2007 3:58:50 pm
you outdid yourself on this one, papa
tthunderdan5/29/2007 4:28:18 pm
...he asked me to draw a pic of it for him for some reason (maybe his myspace or something) so what better way than to use the oekaki, I'd be screwed without it...
fatribz5/29/2007 4:47:07 pm
noice, guitars are fun to draw aren't they?
tthunderdan5/29/2007 8:19:27 pm