- by tthunderdan - 5/27/2007 - 8:12:06 pm 
v1- by tthunderdan - 5/27/2007 8:12:06 pm
tthunderdan5/27/2007 8:12:23 pm
eN-Titty5/27/2007 8:27:17 pm
yeah,,,I used to get like that when I had my band
Al5/28/2007 8:32:47 am
I wish Pink Floyd would tour again. I saw them back in 1994. That link you put up previously was a tribute band called Australian Pink Floyd. They are amazing!
tthunderdan5/28/2007 10:41:34 am
...shows how much I know...that woman wailing like that brought back memories when my wife used to...ah, never mind...
Al5/28/2007 2:39:02 pm
Screamers ruin the moment.