- by idwtwwr - 4/14/2007 - 5:52:11 pm v1- by idwtwwr - 4/14/2007 5:52:11 pm
idwtwwr4/14/2007 5:54:44 pm
i woke up with smile on my faaace and a gun upon my chest..i've never felt so confused like today..somethings wrong here..
fatribz4/14/2007 6:11:25 pm
tell me about it.. i awoke from a dream inwhich the world was drugged with memory depleting confusion substance in the water...everyone just did things aimlessly one moment to the next on a whim breaking all sorts of rules and being really stupid, i was fighting it trying to grasp on to the past and figure out what the fuck was going on.. blargcore stuff!
Al4/14/2007 9:58:25 pm
That wasnt a dream.