- by tthunderdan - 2/23/2007 - 6:38:25 pm v1- by tthunderdan - 2/23/2007 6:38:25 pm
tthunderdan2/23/2007 6:38:40 pm
yanbu2/23/2007 6:57:40 pm
thanks that's excellent . . - you aren't going anywhere are you?
GEROLD BLANKFACE2/23/2007 7:03:18 pm
DUDE !!! Nice draw there my man!
quite impressive (on many levels)
quite impressive (on many levels)
yanbu2/23/2007 7:08:21 pm
this place wouldn't be the same without you ttdan
tthunderdan2/24/2007 2:30:10 am
...ah shucks...no, even mean spirited pricks do a nice thing once in awhile, sometimes...but I do have to draw without the oekaki more, it gets where you can't draw without it...and your mouse keeps going for the undo and it ain't there...