- by tthunderdan - 1/9/2007 - 6:18:57 pm v1- by tthunderdan - 1/9/2007 6:18:57 pm
tthunderdan1/9/2007 6:19:20 pm
...mower deck repair...
The angry flagman1/9/2007 7:19:33 pm
I cant weld for shit, I usually end up setting myself on fire.
tthunderdan1/9/2007 9:11:49 pm
...I can't either, I burn thru alot and the welds look terrible, blobs, but underneath the deck, who cares what it looks like...
fatribz1/10/2007 3:39:00 pm
you guys watch the Alaskan Pipeline epidsode of American Experience on PBS? master welders unite..for fat loot
shovelhead1/11/2007 1:16:49 pm
ever weld with jumper cables and a coat hanger?
tthunderdan1/11/2007 1:53:34 pm
...brazed with coathangers...
The angry flagman1/11/2007 2:54:51 pm
I can weld with duct tape!!!!!!