Untitled - by kix
- by kix - 1/4/2007 - 3:02:55 pm Time: 24 secs
v1 - by kix - 1/4/2007 3:02:55 pm
kix1/4/2007 3:03:07 pm
kix1/4/2007 3:15:53 pm
believe it or not...
that "zzz" asshole inspired me to call my shark pic "z".without him i would have had the idea to continue until the alphabeth is complete :)

mrae you rock
kix1/4/2007 4:18:01 pm
sorry.... wouldn?t...
mrae1/4/2007 4:44:08 pm
thx kix, seriously....do a book, I told my nephew (he's 3) that there were letters in them and he got up to my screen and traced the lines with his finger and told me which letters they were...it was freakin' adorable!
yanbu1/4/2007 5:31:53 pm
nice! i can't wait to write a letter to someone in this font
loopdogg1/4/2007 5:50:20 pm
these are awesome
chain-shot1/5/2007 9:52:36 am
these are a whole bunch of fun. i agree with the book idea, it'd be really cute!
v2 - by kix - 4/20/2008 7:28:49 pm
Time: 24 secs