- by ethermonkey - 12/27/2006 - 6:54:45 pm 
v1- by ethermonkey - 12/27/2006 6:54:45 pm
ethermonkey12/27/2006 7:05:46 pm
As he paused by the boat, feeling the crystals along its sides, a huge four-legged creature half-emerged through the crust, the loosened pieces of lattice attatched to its snout and shoulders shaking like a transparent cuirass. Its jaws mouthed the air silently as it struggled on it's hooked legs, unable to clamber more than a few inches from the hollow trough in its own outline now filled with a thin trickle of water. Invested by the glittering light that poured from its body, the crocodile resembled a fabulous armorial beast. Its blind eyes had been transformed into immense crystalline rubies. It lunged toward him again...
eN-Titty12/27/2006 8:48:18 pm
OK......if you say so
fatribz12/28/2006 11:15:08 am
no.. he is right. ether monkey you need to make a book and jam pack it with your drawings. i will initiate the fan club..time to write more comments on your draws...see ya then
nitaawe12/29/2006 8:04:03 am
tgfd dfazzxc???