- by tthunderdan - 11/25/2006 - 6:07:22 pm v1- by tthunderdan - 11/25/2006 6:07:22 pm
tthunderdan11/25/2006 6:07:38 pm
shovelhead11/25/2006 6:24:10 pm
is that your sister? kinda looks like you......but with hair!
tthunderdan11/25/2006 6:32:24 pm
...'posed to be the wife, but she actually looks a little bit older than that...
Al11/25/2006 6:55:15 pm
You better hope she dont surf 10eastern. lmfao
tthunderdan11/25/2006 8:41:53 pm
...been with her since '76, she is very understanding to say the least...any other woman would have been long gone...especially in the '80's...