- by tthunderdan - 9/24/2006 - 5:59:52 pm v1- by tthunderdan - 9/24/2006 5:59:52 pm
tthunderdan9/24/2006 6:00:01 pm
Al9/24/2006 6:13:39 pm
Ok.. I had to tell Emma, now I will tell you.. No more pop before bed.
Emma9/25/2006 5:23:40 am
i got coke cola but its like erm.....13.23 pm here! ^_^ and i aint not gonna stop drinking it!
seeker9/25/2006 11:24:50 am
your ideas are just great!
tthunderdan9/25/2006 6:17:14 pm
...ah shucks...