- by ethermonkey - 9/20/2006 - 12:37:20 pm v1- by ethermonkey - 9/20/2006 12:37:20 pm
ethermonkey9/20/2006 12:37:55 pm
tomorrowa meteorology today
fatribz9/20/2006 3:54:55 pm
i see a desert oasis sanctuary. are you glitchin little bits at a time or somethin?
ethermonkey9/20/2006 4:11:45 pm
well, i started by writing YANBU in blue and smearing it in yellow. then i drew one three color splod and i glitched 'em about, changing the color of each splayed splod and inching out the clouds with seasoned glitch technology. then i fussed in all the secrets.
there, demystified!!!
there, demystified!!!
\<9/21/2006 1:49:59 am
its still interesting, considering the fact that yanbu IS a desert oasis.