- by tthunderdan - 8/23/2006 - 5:18:59 pm v1- by tthunderdan - 8/23/2006 5:18:59 pm
tthunderdan8/23/2006 5:19:14 pm
ad8/23/2006 6:12:21 pm
free showers!
tthunderdan8/23/2006 6:24:14 pm
...when you squint and get up close to see what's on the hat, look where your nose is you sick F$%K...
AL8/23/2006 6:26:47 pm
This is classic!
ABX8/23/2006 6:29:14 pm
another Tthunder classic
tthunderdan8/23/2006 6:30:39 pm
...kind of like 'interactive drawrings' huh?...
AL8/23/2006 6:32:34 pm
that is the best way to get a hummer.
mf8/23/2006 6:33:30 pm
with a burger and fries...is there any other way?
AL8/23/2006 6:41:00 pm
maybe some swedish fish
chain-shot8/23/2006 7:57:37 pm
poopmustache8/25/2006 6:27:02 pm
I love how you drew her @$$! It looks mighty good!
tthunderdan8/25/2006 6:35:20 pm
...the trick was getting her to stay there like that long enuf for me to draw the 'toon...you know, burn the image into my brain...
tthunderdan8/25/2006 6:39:50 pm
...I also posted this image on a truck driver forum, you know for a laff, but it was deleted by admin very quickly...to harsh I guess...but alot of people 'viewed' it before it was taken off...like they are vultures, within' seconds, scopeing out post...I prolly got banned over this one...oh, well...