- by tthunderdan - 8/18/2006 - 6:22:21 pm v1- by tthunderdan - 8/18/2006 6:22:21 pm
tthunderdan8/18/2006 6:22:31 pm
Al8/18/2006 6:47:13 pm
We The People of The United States Of Texas, in order to form a more perfect one sided view, establish wireless tapping, insure domestic paranoia, provide for the common defense, cut the general welfare, and secure the blessings (christians only) of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of Texas.
cows2flames8/18/2006 7:51:58 pm
Well it IS just a piece of paper, he doesn't need to listen to the folks he represents. And fuck gay rights, too.