- by tthunderdan - 7/13/2006 - 12:34:55 am v1- by tthunderdan - 7/13/2006 12:34:55 am
tthunderdan7/13/2006 12:35:06 am
Al7/13/2006 7:20:07 am
Cool, now I can get stoned on the way to Grand Rapids and not spend my whole paycheck gettin' there!! WoooHoo!! Thunnderdan for President!!
fatribz7/13/2006 7:31:11 am
sandstorm 2008
Anubix7/13/2006 8:28:27 am
yeah, we need to get those troops out of Iraq and move them over to Iran, they have a bunch of oil too
mf7/13/2006 1:09:45 pm
and maybe some hookers over to Kim Jong-il to smooth out his wrinkles.
ekeoutmyisis7/18/2006 3:48:21 pm
this whole episode is HILARIOUS!!