Untitled - by espcomix
- by espcomix - 7/11/2006 - 1:10:09 am
v1- by espcomix - 7/11/2006 1:10:09 am
espcomix7/11/2006 1:19:35 am
What If this Happened at wallmart?
\<7/11/2006 2:39:12 am
hm id say she could take that right breast back to the store and get a refund :D
Al7/11/2006 6:39:30 am
I would inspect them for defects.
loopdogg7/11/2006 7:53:57 am
eN-Titty7/11/2006 9:35:47 am
I'd stick 'em with a hat pin and watch the water squirt all over the place while they deflate......what?....they are obviously saline solution! Unless they are air, she'd probably fly back into the stock room. If you guys can have your fantasy, I can have mine.
seeker7/11/2006 11:28:10 am
fatribz7/12/2006 1:51:35 pm
oh baby! nice
fuzzer9/22/2006 9:28:14 am
Come to poppaaaaaaaaa