Untitled - by kix
- by kix - 7/4/2006 - 9:05:58 am
v1- by kix - 7/4/2006 9:05:58 am
kix7/4/2006 9:06:35 am
this game will be awesome! 9pm cet
spaghetti ballac\<nese7/4/2006 10:00:37 am
haha lets tame those italian stallions ;)
jewooome7/4/2006 11:45:18 am
I'd like to see a France-Germany final... With the French kicking the Germans' asses of course =)
kix7/4/2006 2:48:25 pm
ah fuck!
kix7/4/2006 2:51:36 pm
this is like going to bed before your guests...
oh- my- god- shit
kix7/4/2006 3:30:49 pm
italy earns the glory... ok
jewooome7/5/2006 6:52:53 am
Too bad for Germany... It will be a France-Italy final then. We don't care whose ass we're gonna kick :p