- by tthunderdan - 6/17/2006 - 9:30:16 pm 
v1- by tthunderdan - 6/17/2006 9:30:16 pm
tthunderdan6/17/2006 9:30:29 pm
rarra6/17/2006 9:54:09 pm
i know its not that serious. but let me get that hard copy. i know, i know, my computer is fucked up and the PROGERAMNT. doesn't work on it. let me get that hard copy book and...let the girl get a thing of confidence. and 10 eastern since forever and i hope forever. she doesn't know. let's go. let's do it.
fatribz6/18/2006 12:26:39 am
anyways this is awesome nostalgia of metro park beach (wheres the rencen outline i says)