- by tthunderdan - 3/25/2006 - 7:59:18 pm v1- by tthunderdan - 3/25/2006 7:59:18 pm
tthunderdan3/25/2006 7:59:34 pm
tthunderdan3/25/2006 10:59:24 pm
...I am training my dog to snif out weapons of mass destruction, and she CAN find them, but only if I hide it behind a barrel of oil I have in the neighbors back yard...imagine that...
fatribz3/25/2006 11:58:32 pm
and you kick ass, i dunno how many bald glasses wearing hardcore vigalantes hang out on draw boards, but you def the most badass hardcore bald glasses wering vigalante i know of... in case we cant vibe on drawings otherwise.. titties and beer, eh?
seeker3/26/2006 1:38:30 am
vigalate or vigilante?....did not know the first one
fatribz3/26/2006 2:19:21 am
AL-COH-OL i think its spelled (: