- by tthunderdan - 3/10/2006 - 4:24:44 pm v1- by tthunderdan - 3/10/2006 4:24:44 pm
tthunderdan3/10/2006 4:24:55 pm
Gerold Blankface3/10/2006 6:51:44 pm
cool idea.. well executed obstruction
fatribz3/10/2006 7:21:49 pm
holy cow that is a nice rack and armpit
tthunderdan3/10/2006 7:40:34 pm
...the glasses are supposed to be fogged up, stole the idea from a recent Newsweek cover...
ballsballsballs3/10/2006 9:23:43 pm
totally ripped off of the newsweek cover
Gerold Blankface3/11/2006 8:48:35 am
Regardless where it came from, nice job !
tthunderdan3/11/2006 1:32:37 pm
KcMsterpce3/11/2006 8:21:47 pm
God DAMN that makes me horney!