Untitled - by tthunderdan
- by tthunderdan - 1/31/2006 - 11:56:05 am
v1- by tthunderdan - 1/31/2006 11:56:05 am
tthunderdan1/31/2006 11:56:16 am
HALE1/31/2006 12:00:47 pm
I haven't spoken to my wife in years. I didn't want to interrupt her.
tthunderdan1/31/2006 12:02:32 pm
...my wife likes to talk to me when she has sex, so she called me the other nite from the motel...
HALE1/31/2006 2:06:25 pm
I'm taking Viagra and drinking prune juice - I don't know if I'm coming or going.
yan bu1/31/2006 7:12:30 pm
'her cooking is so bad that the flies pitched in to fix the screen door. I leave dental floss in the kitchen and watch the roaches hang themselves.'
Al2/1/2006 9:04:04 am