- by tthunderdan - 1/11/2006 - 3:33:19 pm v1- by tthunderdan - 1/11/2006 3:33:19 pm
tthunderdan1/11/2006 3:33:32 pm
yanbu1/11/2006 4:41:31 pm
i want to be on that porch. it's miserable in grand rapids, there has been no sun for 14 days straight. i saw some stat that said we've had 8 percent of sunshine for well over a month, which means 92% of clouds. fucking hell.
this is a great drawing tthunderdan.
this is a great drawing tthunderdan.
fatribz1/11/2006 5:07:23 pm
very great
tthunderdan1/11/2006 5:12:12 pm
...winter sucks, sucks the life rite out of me...I can remember standing on the street corner hanging out as a teenager in the cold, now if I go out I warm the car up 15 minutes and go and come rite back home, shame on me...
kix1/11/2006 5:35:43 pm
isnt it a storm front in the distance?
isnt it a storm front in the distance?
fatribz1/12/2006 10:57:46 am
itll melt the next day or two eitherway