- by kat - 12/21/2005 - 5:12:33 pm v1- by kat - 12/21/2005 5:12:33 pm
kat12/21/2005 5:16:51 pm
loopdogg12/21/2005 5:18:51 pm
God I miss this strip...
fatribz12/21/2005 6:22:53 pm
tim12/21/2005 6:30:09 pm
Bill Watterson is all sorts of genius, i'd love to see whatever art he is working on now.
\<12/21/2005 7:37:56 pm
yeah calvin & hobbes is just great!
is watterson workin on sumpn else these day?
is watterson workin on sumpn else these day?
Daniel12/22/2005 8:40:25 am
Last I heard Wattersson disspeared without a trace.
tim12/22/2005 10:49:21 am
in one of the last calvin compilations he stated that he wanted to get into more fine art. thats not the exact statement, but its something along those lines.
kix12/22/2005 1:17:35 pm
those lines.... wonderful
pompous percival12/22/2005 7:13:18 pm
watterson retired
lives somewhere in the mountains and does nothing but paint with his father all day
good drawing, btw, i actually remember that one
lives somewhere in the mountains and does nothing but paint with his father all day
good drawing, btw, i actually remember that one
loopdogg12/23/2005 3:13:37 am
painting with pops, the american dream