Not Detlef Schrempf - by fatribz
Not Detlef Schrempf
- by fatribz - 5/14/2012 - 6:46:00 pm Time: 14 mins 37 secs
v1- by fatribz - 5/14/2012 6:46:00 pm
Time: 14 mins 37 secs
fatribz5/30/2012 5:28:47 pm

half acre has the best beer art
ekm331541/14/2022 8:58:00 pm
There was once a blind man who had so fine a sense of touch that,
when any animal was put into his hands, he could tell what it was merely by
the feel of it. One day the cub of a wolf was put into his hands, and he was a